Painting and Willow Art by Berit Ida
Living Art Performance
Vimeo video
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Many people have a dream job as a child that they want to take up later. I am very fortunate to be able to practise my dream job – artist -, a profession that has fascinated me since my childhood.
I find a large part of my designs in nature; wonders of creation that I marvel at.
In this respect, I follow the same paths as Claude Monet, who once said:
This is how I think about realistic painting in the first place. I would like to show with my pictures how beautiful the creation is, how unique and well thought-out in every little detail.
I take the time to see this; to see this myself and to make it visible to others.
I can’t separate the object I see from me, the subject, because I first bring the object to appear – and in this sense the real creation of the image takes place.
Seeing was and is a key to the effect of art. Realising the way in which seeing develops in art is an opportunity to develop perception.
A selection of my work
Nature plays an essential role in my painting. The five elements wood, fire, metal, water and earth are directly derived from nature and are central to the Daoist theory of description of nature.
With willows and other materials, I create a unique show for you. Let yourself be enchanted by combinations of make-up, face-painting, body-painting, hairstyles and costumes.

Sculptures and Installations
I let the installations create themselves on site, so that they grow into the space and I let inspiration take shape.
Facepainting and Bodyart
Combinations of face-painting, make-up, hairstyles and costumes to symbolize each character.
Teil- oder Ganzkörperbemalung
Facepainting und Make-up

Information and booking
Dipl.-Des. Berit Ida
+49 (0)173-1 934 936
Sculptures and installations
My pastoral work is suitable for exhibitions on public terrain as well as for a private client.
If you are interested, then call or write me, I am looking forward to meeting you!